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Selected Publications (from near 60 publications).

Complete list of published work can be found at:


Jin J, Martin M, Lu T. PRMTs and miRNAs: functional cooperation in cancer and beyond. Cell Cycle, (2019) In Press


Martin M, Hartley A, Lu T. Colorectal cancer therapeutics: Present and the future. In: Cancer Therapeutics. Avid Science Press. (2018) Page 2-32. ISBN: 978-93-86337-78-8 


Wei H, Prabhu L, Hartley AV, Martin M, Sun E, Jiang GL, Liu Y, Lu T. Methylation of NF-kB and its role in gene regulation. In book: Gene Expression and Regulation in Mammalian Cells - Transcription From General Aspects. InTechOpen Press.  2018. ISBN 978-953-51-3856-3, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3855-6. 

Hartley AV, Wei H, Prabhu L, Martin M, Lu T. NF-κB: its role in colon cancer. In book: Role of transcription factors in gastrointestinal malignancies. Springer Singapore Press. 2018.  ISBN 978-981-10-6728-0; DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-6728-0; Hardcover ISBN 978-981-10-6727-3.


Prabhu L, Chen L, Wei H, Demir Ö, Safa A, Zeng L, Amaro RE, O'Neil BH, Zhang ZY, Lu T. Development of an AlphaLISA high throughput technique to screen for small molecule inhibitors targeting protein arginine methyltransferases. Mol. BioSyst. 2017; 13(12):2509-2520. NIHMSID: NIHMS917805 PubMed [journal] PMID: 29099132, PMCID: PMC5759323 Featured on Cover Page

Chen M, Liang J, Ji H, Yang Z, Altilia S, Hu B, Schronce A, McDermott MSJ, Schools GP, Lim CU, Oliver D, Shtutman MS, Lu T, Stark GR, Porter DC, Broude EV, Roninson IB. CDK8/19 Mediator kinases potentiate induction of transcription by NF-κB. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 2017; 114(38):10208-10213. PubMed [journal] PMID: 28855340, PMCID: PMC5617299


Prabhu L, Wei H, Chen L, Demir Ö, Sandusky G, Sun E, Wang J, Mo J, Zeng L, Fishel M, Safa A, Amaro R, Korc M, Zhang ZY, Lu T. Adapting AlphaLISA high throughput screen to discover a novel small-molecule inhibitor targeting protein arginine methyltransferase 5 in pancreatic and colorectal cancers. Oncotarget. 2017; 8(25):39963-39977. PubMed [journal] PMID: 28591716, PMCID: PMC5522311 -1) Featured on front cover, Priority Paper, 2) Honorable Mention Award, Cancer Research Day, 3) Honorable Mention, Erica M. Daniel Kepner Award for Scientific Achievement


Martin M, Hua L, Wang B, Wei H, Prabhu L, Hartley AV, Jiang G, Liu Y, Lu T. Novel Serine 176 Phosphorylation of YBX1 Activates NF-κB in Colon Cancer. J Biol. Chem. 2017; 292(8):3433-3444. PubMed [journal] PMID: 28077578, PMCID: PMC5336175

Prabhu L, Mundade R, Wang B, Wei H, Hartley AV, Martin M, McElyea K, Temm CJ, Sandusky G, Liu Y, Lu T. Critical role of phosphorylation of serine 165 of YBX1 on the activation of NF-κB in colon cancer. Oncotarget. 2015; 6(30):29396-412. PubMed [journal] PMID: 26318844, PMCID: PMC4745735


Lu T, Stark GR. NF-κB: Regulation by Methylation. Cancer Res. 2015; 75(18):3692-5. NIHMSID: NIHMS696108 PubMed [journal] PMID: 26337909, PMCID: PMC4573795


Wang B, Wei H, Prabhu L, Zhao W, Martin M, Hartley AV, Lu T. Role of Novel Serine 316 Phosphorylation of the p65 Subunit of NF-κB in Differential Gene Regulation. J Biol. Chem. 2015; 290(33):20336-47. PubMed [journal] PMID: 26082493, PMCID: PMC4536440 -Selected for Donald Bowman Award


Lu T, Stark GR. Using sequential immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry to identify methylation of NF-κB. Methods Mol. Biol. (Clifton, N.J.). 2015; 1280:383-93. PubMed [journal] PMID: 25736762


Lu T, Yang M, Huang DB, Wei H, Ozer GH, Ghosh G, Stark GR. Role of lysine methylation of NF-κB in differential gene regulation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA.. 2013; 110(33):13510-5. PubMed [journal] PMID: 23904479, PMCID: PMC3746872 F1000 Prime highlighted paper


Wei H, Wang B, Miyagi M, She Y, Gopalan B, Huang DB, Ghosh G, Stark GR, Lu T. PRMT5 dimethylates R30 of the p65 subunit to activate NF-κB. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA.. 2013; 110(33):13516-21. PubMed [journal] PMID: 23904475, PMCID: PMC3746871 -1) Selected for F1000 Prime, 2) Hal Broxymeyer & Victoria Champion Outstanding Publication Award, 3) 2nd Place Award, Cancer Research Day


Zhang T, Park KA, Li Y, Byun HS, Jeon J, Lee Y, Hong JH, Kim JM, Huang SM, Choi SW, Kim SH, Sohn KC, Ro H, Lee JH, Lu T, Stark GR, Shen HM, Liu ZG, Park J, Hur GM. PHF20 regulates NF-κB signalling by disrupting recruitment of PP2A to p65.

Nat. Commun. 2013; 4:2062. NIHMSID: NIHMS554768 PubMed [journal] PMID: 23797602, PMCID: PMC3942884


Stark GR, Wang Y, Lu T. Lysine methylation of promoter-bound transcription factors and relevance to cancer. Cell Res. 2011; 21(3):375-80. PubMed [journal] PMID: 21151202, PMCID: PMC3193425


Yang J, Huang J, Dasgupta M, Sears N, Miyagi M, Wang B, Chance MR, Chen X, Du Y, Wang Y, An L, Wang Q, Lu T, Zhang X, Wang Z, Stark GR. Reversible methylation of promoter-bound STAT3 by histone-modifying enzymes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA.

2010; 107(50):21499-504. PubMed [journal] PMID: 21098664, PMCID: PMC3003019

Lu T, Stark GR. Use of forward genetics to discover novel regulators of NF-kappaB. Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol. 2010; 2(6):a001966. PubMed [journal] PMID: 20516132, PMCID: PMC2869522


Lu T, Jackson MW, Wang B, Yang M, Chance MR, Miyagi M, Gudkov AV, Stark GR. Regulation of NF-kappaB by NSD1/FBXL11-dependent reversible lysine methylation of p65. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 2010; 107(1):46-51. PubMed [journal] PMID: 20080798, PMCID: PMC2806709


Lu T, Jackson MW, Singhi AD, Kandel ES, Yang M, Zhang Y, Gudkov AV, Stark GR. Validation-based insertional mutagenesis identifies lysine demethylase FBXL11 as a negative regulator of NFkappaB. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 2009; 106(38):16339-44. PubMed [journal] PMID: 19805303, PMCID: PMC2736141

Kandel ES, Lu T*, Wan Y, Agarwal MK, Jackson MW, Stark GR. Mutagenesis by reversible promoter insertion to study the activation of NF-kappaB. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 2005; 102(18):6425-30. PubMed [journal] PMID: 15851657, PMCID: PMC1088393 * Equal first author.

Lu T, Sathe SS, Swiatkowski SM, Hampole CV, Stark GR. Secretion of cytokines and growth factors as a general cause of constitutive NFkappaB activation in cancer. Oncogene. 2004; 23(12):2138-45. PubMed [journal] PMID: 14676835




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